Friday, October 17, 2014

What is Surrogacy? Our first Journey.

Surrogacy what a Crazy idea. What weird people become surrogates? What is surrogacy? Doesn't that only happen in the movies? Just a few of the thoughts that came to my mind one morning after I had a dream about surrogacy. Before that night the only reference I had to surrogacy was the show Baby Mama.

My dream wasn't of me being a surrogate or having any sort of revelation per say that I should be a surrogate more of a thought/idea that got planted. For the next few days I found myself thinking about the word surrogacy wondering what it was. After a few days I decided to take to the internet and do a Google search on surrogates. A couple weeks went by and I would do a little more research. Finally after about 3 weeks I told my husband I wanted to be a surrogate. His response was something to the affect of okay sounds good. A few days later I found an agency that I wanted to work with. I told Brandon and I think at that moment things got real for him. He then wanted to do some research and had a lot more questions...

I started filling out the necessary paperwork to become a surrogate. In the meantime, my husband mentioned to a dear friend of ours that we had made this decision. That friend asked if we would be their surrogate. This was a pretty easy decision for Brandon and I. This couple was truly amazing and we wanted to help them have more kids.

I had know doubt in my mind that this would work. I started all the medications. There was more medications involved than I originally anticipated. Transfer time came and we were left with the feeling that the transfer was most likely not going to be a success due to the quality and number of embryos. We did the transfer in Dec. 2010. I still had know doubt that the transfer would work. I couldn't wait for the blood test results so I cheated. I went and bought an at home pregnancy test. It tested positive. Filled with excitement Brandon and I discussed telling our friends the results. We decided against it and waited for the blood work.

 The results where in... The levels were to low. They were almost certain it didn't work. I cried hysterically. There was no way it didn't work. With all three of our children we decided to get pregnant and did with in one to two months each time. I took to the internet which said that the levels I had could still mean I was pregnant. I was again reconfirmed that I was pregnant. That just wasn't the case. The second blood test came back negative.

I felt so bad. How could I take their dreams away. What did I do wrong?  These thoughts repeated over and over for weeks. How my heart ached for this family.  I was left with the question. Should we not have tried?

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