Friday, April 29, 2011

If we ALL give a little!

I read a a friends post on facebook today and it broke my heart a little. Here is what she wrote:
So~ I just had a strange moment at the local Wal-mart. Walking out there was a lady sitting there asking for money to feed her family. I told her I had no cash and would she like a gallon of milk I just had bought along with a loaf of bread and she told me NO.

I was glad to hear my friend doing such a selfless thing but I was discouraged a little by the person taking advantage of peoples kindness. I have found we can all come up with reasons why we cant help others.
While embarking on this India adventure here are the most common answers or murmurs I have gotten on why people cant or wont help.
1. I can't afford to help
2. Most things like this are scams
3. Someone else is/will help them

Unfourunatly for this friend of mine the person she tried to help was a scam. I hope this doesnt make her think twice before helping someone else. We all can't fix the world alone but together we can make a dent in the problems.

I believe I will get more from the people of India then they will get from me but hopefully I can make a little dent in helping them have some of the things I take for granted everyday. I know everybody has a different way of helping so whatever cause/person/friend you are helping do it with Love and it will all work out. I am so grateful for those who are helping me and those that can't or aren't that is okay. I hope you are helping someone!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

First attempt at blogging.

I am started this blog for all the people who are helping me get to India. That way they can see what there support is helping accomplish. I must tell you I am so excited to have the opportunity to go and help. I think we should all take the time to help as many people as possible. It doesn't have to be going to India there are many ways to help right in front of us. I am sure I will grow so much from this experience and I believe my children will too. I want to thank my husband, children, my parents and my sister and her family for the sacrifices they will be making while I go on this trip. It's only three weeks but it will seem like a life time being apart from my family.

We are so lucky to live in the USA. I hope to have many opportunities in the future to serve in and outside of the USA.

I will use this blog now that I have it to keep family and friends updated on our amazing life as well.