Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dehli Day 3

Today we got up and got ready to travel back to Chennai. This was bitter sweet because the sight seeing had been so much fun but I was excited to get back to see the kiddos.

We started our bus ride back and I just stared out the window trying to fight back tears from the realization this was my last week in India. While deep in thought I realized the bus was stopped and had been for 5 or so minutes. Traffic was moving around us so I know there must be a problem. Sure enough the bus was broke. Normally in this situation my husband or step dad would come save the day. This was not the case so there we all sat wondering what was wrong.

One of the girls had to pee really bad so I got of the bus with her in search for a bathroom. I wasn't nervous at all looking back maybe I should have been. We found someone who understood that we were looking for a bathroom and they pointed us in the right direction. I didn't go in but the girl explained the bathroom was super nasty.

After going back to the bus we noticed it was surrounded by people begging for money, selling corn and just showing off tryingto get our attention. There was a lady asking me for money for food. She tugged on my pants and said something about me being from America. I felt if I gave her money more people would show up. I didn't know how long we would be there so I decided that was a bad idea.

On the bus it was very hot. Our windows didn't open and there was no a/c. The lady begging for money was persistent in pounding on the bus trying to get money. We had some of the guys fighting in the road showing there muscles trying to get us to like them. Hand gestures are universal and they made a few disgusting ones. 

I finally asked again what was wrong with the bus, they said a gas line had broke. A guy came to the bus and started fixing it right there. It was getting really hot by this point and we had already made another trip to the bathroom. I tried to stay positive during this time and reflect. Here are some of my thoughts.

1. If I was hungry or had kids that were hungry I would pound on the bus just as hard if not harder than the lady was so I wasn't bothered by the noise.
2. I am lucky that when my car brakes someone comes and gets me and takes me home.
3. I am lucky that when my car brakes my husband fixes it and I don't have to worry.
4. I am lucky that when its hot I can turn on the a/c. most of these people don't have that convenience in there lives at home or in there mode of transportation.

After a little over 2 hours we were on the road again. We arrived at a place that had animals you could ride. This was exciting especially for Amy when we woke up the first thing she said was " we get to ride and elephant today"...  I was pretty psyched to see and ride on the animals as well.

We didn't have time to make anymore stops because of the bus breaking down see we just drove straight to the airport. On the flight home we where watching the sunset which lite up the sky like it was on fire. It then started lightning which made the scenery even more stunning.

The bus ride home was also a treat. Derek and I chatted about India and how amazing it is. His love for these kids just is so remarkable. I don't think there is anything hes not willing to do to try and help them. We looked up and there where fire works going off outside. They were celebrating some of the gods and I guess fireworks are one of the things they use to celebrate. Each moment on this trip taught me something and each moment made the trip more memorable.
                                            This picture doesn't do the sunset justice but...     

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